Singapore, it's a mighty fine place and those of you who are reading this, well, enjoy this serving of my awesomeness.
We have been here 7 days, and there is one DISGUSTING fruit called fart fruit (Durian fruit).
The green spikey fruit in the back is the fart fruit. |
I call it fart fruit because it really smell like farts and gym socks. I haven't tried it yet, I am building up my courage. People say it is delicious! But some people say it is disgusting!
Another amazing thing about Singapore is the Singapore flyer. The tallest ferris wheel in the universe.
TA~DA!! |
Next we will talk about thy merlion. The merlion is a lion mexed with a mermaid, hold the phone, let me show you a picture just to get it straight.
ANYWAY, it spits out water, as you can see in the picture, and you can see in the far left corner a boat on top of a building, and you may be thinking "what is that thing?" Well, I will get to that, patience my friends. It took us 1/2 hour to walk there, and it was HOT!!
I was so hot and sweaty! |
See that black dot under my lip? That is not a freckle, that is ice cream. Now, the moment you have been waiting for. That building you saw in the merlion picture. It is (drum roll please) Marina Sands Hotel.
The boat is a swimming pool, held up by a casino and two hotels. We are going to go there hopefully soon. Now a message for my Gloria Dei friends........HI! How's it goin? See you all on my next blog post. To all my little minions!