Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quick Fair-Art Fair

I went to an art fair at my school. I had to pick an artist, which I picked Vincent Van Gogh, then I had to write a paragraph and I had to paint a picture, which I painted Starry Night. I can't wait to see you out west. Done.


  1. Oh my!!! You did a FANTABULISTIC job Buddy!!!!!! Yup, I just made that word up, cuz you're that cool!!! GREAT JOB!!!!! If you have time or if you're ever bored... PUH-LEASE paint some pictures that we can hang up in our new home! Pretty please!! My walls are SO bare and could use some of your artwork. Please tell Jay too :) Maggie has a wall in her bedroom waiting for your artwork so hopefully you have time to make something for her too :) Can't wait to see what you come up with! LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND CAN not WAIT TO SEE YOUR FACES!!!!!! You did AWESOME on your painting!! Love you Preston Foley! Auntie and Maggie P.S. I told Uncle about your post and he can't wait to see your painting tonight when he gets off work!!!

  2. He did so awesome at this project!! He even looked up all the info about Van Gogh by himself and decided what to write and everything! So proud of you little man!!
