Homework wastes my time. It is easy and it's boring and then sometimes I do it while I am watching my favorite show that comes on at 5.
Every night I get two or three sheets of homework. Always a math sheet and sometimes phonics. And then more math and memory work. My favorite homework to do is the easy sheets, probably phonics are easier than math. Also I have memory work.
My memory work for tomorrow is.....Galatians 3:26 "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus."
We are so glad that homework is easy for you! You have always been SO smart! We remember when you were younger you would say "I've got a big head Uncle, to fit my big brain!" Yup, big brain indeed buddy!! Keep working hard because it will pay off! P.S. Uncle wants to know what your favorite show is at 5?? P.S.S. Auntie and Maggie love the memory work! Please keep sharing them daily or as much as you can :) La la love you!! Pls give Miss May a squeeze for us!! And tell her we la la love her too!!